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Battle of the Hastings.jpg
the Norman Conquest of England was a campaign led by William the Conquer (before he conquered England he was known as William the Bastard) Duke of Normandy who fought against the Anglo- Saxon King Harold Godwinson and beat him in the Famous Battle of…

william the Conqueror.jpg
The Norman King who Conquered England and brought about reforms to England that have by all rights changed the world. the reforms in language were the biggest impact we live with because he helped build the vocabulary for modern english.

King Richard.jpg
A depiction of King Richard in a 12th century Codex. King Richard was made famous for his participation during the third Crusade. He meets Sultan Saladin with his army and fought him to a Standstill during the third Crusade. Meeting the army of the…

The painting is a depiction of Jesus and his disciples during the last supper, in which he said one of his disciples would betray him (Judas). this is an important event in the bible and something the Catholic church would hold sacred.

Crusaders bible.jpg
The image is a depiction a battle held in the Old Testament but using Medieval/crusader imagery.

The Bucket.jpg
The War of the Bucket, also known as the War of the Oaken Bucket or in Italian: Guerra Della Secchia rapita, was a conflict that took place in 1325 between the rival city-states of Bologna and Modena in the region of Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy.…

A skeleton on horseback runs across a group of people while wielding a bow, the artwork is a depiction of death during the plague harvesting the lives of the people of Europe. a great deal of artwork during this time involved death and skeletons.…

Feudalism was the system that medieval European societies abided by for centuries the hierarchy/ structure of power went as followed, the King (and sometimes the queen) held the top position of power. then the lords (knights/those who fight) would…

Joan of Arc was the Patron Saint of France, a woman who led troops in Battle against Frances old rival England. She was Captured and found guilty of crossdressing (due to the fact she wore Armour) and was sentenced to death and burned at the Stake.…

the painting of the garden of earthly delights, is divided into three sections the first is a representation of Eden where we see a rendition of Adam and Eve, the center piece is an image of earth and all its people, while the last part is a…
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