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The painting is a depiction of Jesus and his disciples during the last supper, in which he said one of his disciples would betray him (Judas). this is an important event in the bible and something the Catholic church would hold sacred.

this image is the depiction by Emile Signo of the Crusades taking Jerusalem during the first crusade. the first crusade was the only successful crusade because the Europeans used the element of surprise. every other crusade had failed.

Crusaders bible.jpg
The image is a depiction a battle held in the Old Testament but using Medieval/crusader imagery.

Crowning of Charlemagne.jpg
Pope Leo the 3rd crowning Charlemagne Emperor. this was all done in order to further legitimize Charlemagne rule as well as provide the church with a powerful benefactor and protector. Thus, starting the circular division of power between the…

the painting of the garden of earthly delights, is divided into three sections the first is a representation of Eden where we see a rendition of Adam and Eve, the center piece is an image of earth and all its people, while the last part is a…
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