
Dublin Core




Medieval European art that depicts warfare, the aftermath of warfare, battles, or tools/weapons of War.

Collection Items

Crusaders Bible
The image is a depiction a battle held in the Old Testament but using Medieval/crusader imagery.

The taking of Jerusalem during the First Crusade, 1099
this image is the depiction by Emile Signo of the Crusades taking Jerusalem during the first crusade. the first crusade was the only successful crusade because the Europeans used the element of surprise. every other crusade had failed.

The War of the Bucket
The War of the Bucket, also known as the War of the Oaken Bucket or in Italian: Guerra Della Secchia rapita, was a conflict that took place in 1325 between the rival city-states of Bologna and Modena in the region of Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy.…

The Norman Conquest of England
the Norman Conquest of England was a campaign led by William the Conquer (before he conquered England he was known as William the Bastard) Duke of Normandy who fought against the Anglo- Saxon King Harold Godwinson and beat him in the Famous Battle of…
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