Blog Post (Ray Bradbury)

The Story There Will Come Soft Rains was written to allude to the impacts war can have (the story was published in 1950, during the cold war). the Story is about a super technologically advanced house that has automated every task, cleaning, cooking, etc. We learn however there are no people living in that house, in fact there are no people left, this was all due to a nuclear war. The only living creature we are introduced to be the old family dog who quite literally died as soon as it arrived back to it family’s home. The house is unable to recognize that the family is gone, and there will never be residence ling in it again, so when a small fire is started due to a mistake in the automation, a windstorm enlarges the flames consuming the house, thus ending the story.

Discission Questions:

  1. Ray Bradbury created this automated house to be our Pov character, why do you think that is?
  2. What message do you think Ray Bradbury was trying to convey?

One Reply to “Blog Post (Ray Bradbury)”

  1. Great start on your first blog post. You’ve provided a concise summary and included thought-provoking discussion questions.

    Your summary effectively captures the essence of “There Will Come Soft Rains” and its post-apocalyptic setting. Readers can quickly understand the central themes of the story by your description.

    You’ve rightly pointed out the historical context of the story being published during the Cold War and how it alludes to the impacts of war. This adds depth to your analysis and helps readers understand the backdrop of the narrative and how to apply it to today.

    Your discussion questions about why Bradbury chose the automated house as the point of view character and the message he might be trying to convey are thought-provoking. They encourage readers to think critically about the author’s choices and the underlying themes.

    Ther are areas that you could add a bit more to. For example, you could expand on the question about why Bradbury chose the automated house as the point of view character. This is an area to open up a conversation about the symbolism behind this choice and how it contributes to the overall meaning of the story.

    When I read your post, I see ways in which you could dive deeper into the discussion about the message Bradbury was trying to convey. Consider the themes of technology, humanity, and the consequences of war. Explore how the automated house serves as a metaphor for societal structures and the impact of destructive forces.

    Consider breaking down your paragraph into smaller ones for improved readability, as well as a way to expand on some of your ideas.

    Overall, your blog post shows promise, and your discussion questions add depth to the narrative. Keep up the good work!

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